Baby Shower Truffles!
Hi Friends And Chocolate Lovers!!

I had the pleasure of making truffles for a baby shower. How cute they look!
I have just had 2 very fun truffle making classes at the Baker Hunt Art and Cultural Center in Covington. I want to thank everyone who came and spent time with me. I will be teaching another class this fall, focusing on Fall and Christmas flavored truffles. I’ll post the date as soon as it has been set. My family and friends have had fun being my taste testers and quality control people!! New flavors right now are salted caramel, coconut cream, pumpkin, peppermint, sugar cookie and white champaign. I will have them for sale on special order basis. Never too early to be planning for the holidays.
Baker Hunt has asked me to teach a caramel apple dipping class this Fall. I have found 2 amazing caramel recipes and a lot of fun apple dipping ideas to share. I’ll post the date when it has been set.
Don’t forget your special occasions this Fall. Custom colors and decorations are my thing!
As the summer comes to an end and school starts back up, don’t forget to take time for yourself. A little chocolate makes all occasions something to remember.
With love,